Share your work

Deliver value quickly.

How it works

Narrator makes sharing simple

1. Create the table or plot that you need

Once we find what we need, it is often delivered in the from of plots or tables.

2. Download or share programatically

Automatically send the data to your stakeholders via slack or other integrations.

3. Add context for interpretation

Add context of what this data means or what to expect from it if needed.

The Narrator difference is shareability

Share live data with the speed of taking a screenshot

Narrator allows you to simply send the stakeholder a link of the dataset you created. Your plots and tables can be put in a story with context instantly added.

Data is live and saved for easy access
Context is written as you create it
Secure and safe to share across your teams
Share reports and encourage follow up questions

Customer Lists

"Give me a list of customers who used the product in the last 30 days and who also recently rated us less than 4."

Clicking on a group by tab's metric and clicking the Visualize Metric option to generate a plot


"What % of people who open the "Create Plot" modal  actually save it?"


Why analyses

"Why did our sales drop this month, can you explain what happened?"

Adding context to a dataset story with markdown
Use iteration for live feedback and more questions
"I create the metric for my stakeholders then leave them to slice and dice to their hearts content. No more, can you give me this by week, not month requests."
- Some data analyst
Exploring a plot in a report by segmenting it by browser and city and then changing the time range

Follow-ups are self-serve

Stakeholders often have "just one small thing" to request once they receive the data. This can be very annoying and distracting from your work. That is why we made this super easy for them to do on their own.

Built into every plot and metric
Explore any follow up question in seconds
Save to your own report to come back to later
Time resolution

Switch Time Frame

"Give me this metric by Day not month?"

Adding in the first ever Started Session's Ad Source and Referring Domain columns to a Narrator dataset
Activity features

Add Features

"Can you add their subscription plan to this dataset"

Customer attributes

Slice by Attributes

"Can you filter out free customers?"

Yes, we designed for more flexibility

Can I download these analyses as PDF?

Yes. Any report can be converted to PDF or even programattically sent to stakeholders over email.

Can analyses be scheduled to run like a materialized view?

Yes. Add a schedule to any report to create snapshots, allowing you to go back in time as needed.

Can I add logic in python to the context?

Yes. Embed python logic to do computations, run algorithms and even hide or show sections.

Ready to iterate quickly from question to answer?

Create an account today.